KS2 Maths SATs
All the help you need to get Great Grades

Boost From Level 3 to 4
The KS2 Maths SATs Digital Download has been written specifically to give intensive targeted support to boost children who are operating at level 3 up to level 4.
Boost From Level 4 to 5
Let the higher attainers shine and boost them up to level 5. A great set of hundreds of worksheets, easy to print out and with full answers.
Past Papers
Past papers are a great starting point for revising for the Key Stage 2 tests. Correct answers identify areas that don't need further work on, saving precious revision time, and incorrect answers highlight areas that need further practice. We have both papers A and B, Mental Maths Tests and Mark Schemes available for the past few years. Remember, always try to find a quiet, well lit room if attempting a test.
KS2 Maths SATs Digital Download
The KS2 Maths SATs Download is where you go once a paper has been answered. It is invaluable for anyone taking the Key Stage 2 Maths tests, containing hundreds of questions covering all aspects of the tests. Ideal for teachers running Booster classes and for giving as homework, it is already in use in over 6000 schools. With full answers included, parents also find it a superb resource for helping at home with revision to gain those extra marks for the next level!